Revenue Share with 0xMEV.

The 0xMEV Bot ensures that holders receive a share of the revenue earned. The Revenue Share split is based on the pool of contributors.

Our transparent pool system allows you to easily discover and track your earnings, making it a seamless and rewarding experience.

0xMEV’s contributions allows the bot to maximize profits – the more contributors, the larger the pool and the more ETH to use within the bot. 



Miner Extractable Value (MEV) Bot

The MEV bot is an advanced automated software that scours the blockchain for profitable opportunities. It leverages the unique capabilities of miners to influence transaction order and execution, allowing it to extract additional value from the network. By analyzing transaction sequences and acting swiftly, the MEV bot engages in strategies like front-running trades to generate revenue.


Dividend Earning (Instant ETH Rewards)

Our platform offers a dividend yield system that allows token holders to earn passive rewards in ETH. Holding 0xMEV tokens automatically qualifies you for dividend yield distributions. The more tokens you hold, the higher your dividend yield.

Contributing your 0xMEV tokens to the staking pool provides an opportunity for even greater dividend yield. The amount you stake determines your position in the pool, and a larger contribution earns you a higher portion of the dividend pool.

By contributing your ETH to the MEV Bot, you can amplify its potential and yield greater results. The more ETH the bot has at its disposal, the more opportunities it can seize within the blockchain to generate revenue.

Our dividend yield system ensures a seamless and effortless way to earn passive income. By holding your tokens and participating in the staking pool, you can benefit from the growth of 0xMEV and potentially increase your earnings.



Community-Driven Governance

At 0xMEV, we prioritize community participation and decentralized decision-making. Our project is guided by a community-driven governance model, empowering token holders to actively shape the future of 0xMEV.

As a token holder, you have the opportunity to contribute to important decisions. Through voting and governance mechanisms, you can influence the direction of the project, propose ideas, and engage in discussions. We value transparency and inclusivity, fostering an open environment where every member can actively participate in the decision-making process.

Join our community-driven governance to be part of the collaborative effort in shaping 0xMEV’s development, policies, and strategic initiatives. Together, we can build a strong and supportive community that collectively steers the future of 0xMEV according to our shared vision and values.


Pooled Sharing

With 0xMEV’s unique pooled sharing mechanism, your rewards are directly tied to your contribution. The more 0xMEV tokens you hold and add to the pool, the larger your share of the rewards. Our user-friendly dApp provides real-time updates, allowing you to monitor your share, track income from the MEV Bot, and actively participate in the project’s success. Join us for fair and transparent rewards distribution, empowering both experienced investors and newcomers alike.



Why 0xMEV Bot?

Powerful Profit-Seeking Algorithms

the 0xMEV Bot is equipped with advanced algorithms that enable them to swiftly analyze and identify profitable opportunities within the blockchain. These sophisticated algorithms give 0xMEV an edge in extracting maximum value from various blockchain transactions.

Continuous Opportunity Scanning

The 0xMEV bot continuously scans the blockchain, searching for new opportunities as they emerge. This constant monitoring ensures that it can capitalize on the most profitable situations, maximizing the revenue generated for token holders over time.

Enhanced Trading Execution

MEV bots have the ability to execute trades with minimal latency, taking advantage of time-sensitive opportunities before others in the network. This enhanced execution capability allows it to capture additional value and generate higher returns for token holders.

Evolving Strategies & Adaptability

0xMEV bot is adaptable and can evolve it’s strategies as market conditions change. It is designed to optimize revenue generation by adjusting to new trends and dynamics in the blockchain ecosystem, ensuring a sustainable approach to profit-seeking.




Stealth Launch

Conduct a stealth launch for the 0xMEV token, prioritizing a fair and stealthy distribution to ensure equal opportunities for early adopters.



dApp Development (0xMEV_App)

The 0xMEV dApp will provide seamless access for token holders to track their earnings, contribute to the pool, and actively engage in the project.



Community Governance Integration

Community-driven governance will be an integral part of our project, allowing token holders to actively participate in shaping the future of 0xMEV through voting and decision-making.






0xMEV Bot Deployment

The 0xMEV Bot will be deployed awaiting holders’ contribution. Rewards are distributed at each TX.



0xMEV Bot Development

With Revenue pool expansion, the 0xMEV team will adapt the Bot accordingly.



0xMEV Multi-Chain support

Different revenue pools will be created for different chains including (but not limited to) Smart Chain, Solana, Tron, Polygon etc.

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